Course curriculum

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    Introduction to the Course (Life of Christ 1)

    • Introduction to the Course and Book Guideline

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook - Life of Christ I

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    • 1 - Introduction to the Gospel Books

    • Assessment 1 - Introduction to the Gospel Books

    • 2 - The Messianic Hope of Israel

    • Assessment 2 - The Messianic Hope of Israel

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    Chapter 1 - The Birth and Childhood of Christ Jesus

    • 3 - The Birth and Childhood of Chris Jesus (Logos)

    • Assessment 3 - The Birth and Childhood of Chris Jesus (Logos)

    • 4 - The Genealogies

    • Assessment 4 - The Genealogies

    • 5 - The Annunciations (Zecharias & Mary)

    • Assessment 5 - The Annunciations (Zecharias & Mary)

    • 6 - Annunciation to Joseph - The Wise Men

    • Assessment 6- Annunciation to Joseph - The Wise Men

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    Chapter 2 - The Ministry of John The Baptist

    • 7 - The Ministry of John the Baptist

    • Assessment 7- The Ministry of John the Baptist

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    • Review for Quiz

    • Quiz - Introduction to the Gospel Books - The Birth of Jesus

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    Chapter 3 - The Beginning Of the Ministry of Jesus

    • 8 - Jesus' Baptism By John - Misconceptions Concerning the Baptism of Jesus

    • Assessment 8- Jesus' Baptism By John - Misconceptions Concerning the Baptism of Jesus

    • 9 - The Temptation

    • Assessment 9- The Temptation

    • 10 - Manifestation of the Messiah

    • Assessment 10 - Manifestation of the Messiah

    • 11 - The First Cleansing of the Temple & Nicodemus and the New Birth

    • Assessment 11 - The First Cleansing of the Temple & Nicodemus and the New Birth

    • 12 - Ministry in Samaria

    • Assessment 12 - Ministry in Samaria

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    Chapter 4 - The Galilean Ministry (PART 1)

    • 13 - Return to Cana & Rejection in Nazareth

    • Assessment 13 - Return to Cana & Rejection in Nazareth

    • 14 - The Call Of the First Four Disciples

    • Assessment 14 - The Call Of the First Four Disciples

    • 15 - Delivering The Demoniac & the First Preaching Tour With The Disciples

    • Assessment 15 - Delivering The Demoniac & the First Preaching Tour With The Disciples

    • 16 - Paralytic Healed in Capernaum - Call of Matthew (Levi)

    • Assessment 16- Paralytic Healed in Capernaum - Call of Matthew (Levi)

    • 17 - Jesus Defends His Disciples

    • Assessment 17 - Jesus Defends His Disciples

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    Chapter 5 - The Sabbath Controversy

    • 18 - The Sabbath Controversy In Jerusalem - Jesus Heals the Paralytic on the Sabbath

    • Assessment 18 - The Sabbath Controversy In Jerusalem - Jesus Heals the Paralytic on the Sabbath

    • 19 - Jesus Disciples Pluck Corn on the Sabbath

    • Assessment 19 - Jesus Disciples Pluck Corn on the Sabbath

    • 20 - Jesus Heals the Withered Hand - The Selection of the Twelve Apostles

    • Assessment 20 - Jesus Heals the Withered Hand - The Selection of the Twelve Apostles

    • 21 - The Sermon on the Mount - Jesus Upbraids the Unrepentant Cities

    • Assessment 21 - The Sermon on the Mount - Jesus Upbraids the Unrepentant Cities

    • 22 - The Anointing of Jesus' Feet

    • Assessment 22 - The Anointing of Jesus' Feet

    • 23 - Accused by the Pharisees - Christ's Mother Takes Him Home

    • Assessment 23 - Accused by the Pharisees - Christ's Mother Takes Him Home

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    • Final Exam Review

    • Final Exam