Course curriculum

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook (Note: Same book as Life of Christ I)

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    • Introduction to Life of Christ 2

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    Chapter 6 - The First Group of Parables

    • 1 - The First Group of Parables

    • Assessment 1 - The First Group of Parables

    • 2 - Parable of the Sower - Parable of the Mustard Seed

    • Assessment 2 - Parable of the Sower - Parable of the Mustard Seed

    • 3 - Parable of the Leaven - The Parable of the Net

    • Assessment 3 - Parable of the Leaven - The Parable of the Net

    • 4 - Jesus Stills the Tempest - More Miracles in Capernaum

    • Assessment 4 - Jesus Stills the Tempest - More Miracles in Capernaum

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    Chapter 7 - The Galilean Ministry (Part II)

    • 5 - Final Visit to Nazareth - The Third Missionary Tour

    • Assessment 5 - Final Visit to Nazareth - The Third Missionary Tour

    • 6 - Herod Antipas's Guilty Fears - Rescue on the Stormy Sea

    • Assessment 6 - Herod Antipas's Guilty Fears - Rescue on the Stormy Sea

    • 7 - Reception in Gennesaret - Further Opposition from the Pharisees

    • Assessment 7 - Reception in Gennesaret - Further Opposition from the Pharisees

    • 8 - The Second Retreat - The Cost of Discipleship

    • Assessment 8 - The Second Retreat - The Cost of Discipleship

    • 9 - The Transfiguration - The Payment of the Tax

    • Assessment 9 - The Transfiguration - The Payment of the Tax

    • 10 - Instruction to the Disciples

    • Assessment 10 - Instruction to the Disciples

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    Chapter 8 - The Later Judean Ministry

    • 11 - The Ridicule of Jesus' Half-Brothers - Jesus Offers Living Water

    • Assessment 11 - The Ridicule of Jesus' Half-Brothers - Jesus Offers Living Water

    • 12 - An Adulteress Finds Forgiveness - The Healing and Conversion of the Man Born Blind

    • Assessment 12 - An Adulteress Finds Forgiveness - The Healing and Conversion of the Man Born Blind

    • 13 - The Good Shepherd - The Parable of the Good Samaritan

    • Assessment 13 - The Good Shepherd - The Parable of the Good Samaritan

    • 14 - Jesus, The Guest of Mary and Martha - At the Feast of Dedication

    • Assessment 14 - Jesus, The Guest of Mary and Martha - At the Feast of Dedication

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    • Review for Quiz

    • Quiz

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    Chapter 9 - The Later Perean Ministry

    • 15 - Jesus is Warned Against Herod Antipas - Final Journey To Jerusalem

    • Assessment 15 - Jesus is Warned Against Herod Antipas - Final Journey To Jerusalem

    • 16 - The Nature of the Kingdom - Zaccheus

    • Assessment 16 - The Nature of the Kingdom - Zaccheus

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    Chapter 10 - The Last Public Ministry

    • 17 - The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem - Christ's Authority Challenged and Defended

    • Assessment 17 - The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem - Christ's Authority Challenged and Defended

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    Chapter 11 - Preparation For The Passion

    • 18 - A Legal Question - The Lord's Supper Instituted

    • Assessment 18 - A Legal Question - The Lord's Supper Instituted

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    Chapter 12 - The Trial and Passion

    • 19 - Discourse Continued - The Jewish Trial

    • Assessment 19 - Discourse Continued - The Jewish Trial

    • 20 - The First Trial before Caiaphas - The Second Time Before Pilate

    • Assessment 20 - The First Trial before Caiaphas - The Second Time Before Pilate

    • 21 - The Crucifixion - The Message and Meaning of the Cross

    • Assessment 21 - The Crucifixion - The Message and Meaning of the Cross

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    Chapter 13 - The Resurrection and Ascension

    • 22 - The Earthquake and the Opening of the Tomb - The Last Appearance and Ascension

    • Assessment 22 - The Earthquake and the Opening of the Tomb - The Last Appearance and Ascension

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    Final Exam

    • Review for Final Exam

    • Final Exam