Course curriculum

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook

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    Christian Education - Section 1

    • 1 - Introduction

    • Assessment 1 - Introduction

    • 2 - What Is Christian Education?

    • Assessment 2 - What Is Christian Education?

    • 3 - Can God Trust You With the Future?

    • Assessment 3 - Can God Trust You With The Future?

    • 4 - The Why Of Christian Education

    • Assessment 4 - The Why Of Christian Education

    • 5 - Reaching through Teaching

    • Assessment 5 - Reaching Through teaching

    • 6 - Organizing Your Sunday School

    • Assessment 6 - Organizing Your Sunday School

    • 7 - Move On With Sunday School

    • Assessment 7 - Move On With Sunday School

    • 8 - Who Needs What?

    • Assessment 8 - Who Needs What?

    • 9 - God's Hidden Word

    • Assessment 9 - God's Hidden Word

    • 10 - Hide and Go Seek

    • Assessment 10 - Hide and Go Seek

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    Midterm Exam

    • Midterm Exam Review

    • Midterm Exam

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    Christian Education - Section 2

    • 11 - Aim for Understanding

    • Assessment 11 - Aim for Understanding

    • 12 - From Start to Finish

    • Assessment 12 - From Start to Finish

    • 13 - God's Word: The Great Connection

    • Assessment 13 - God's Word: The Great Connection

    • 14 - The How of Christian Education

    • Assessment 14 - The How of Christian Education

    • 15 - The Rest of the Story

    • Assessment 15 - The Rest of the Story

    • 16 - Learning to Enjoy God's Ways

    • Assessment 16 - Learning to Enjoy God's Ways

    • 17 - Getting God's Word into "Headquarters"

    • Assessment 17 - Getting God's Word into "Headquarters"

    • 18 - The Same Old Thing a Brand New Way

    • Assessment 18 - The Same Old Thing a Brand New Way

    • 19 - Write For Life

    • Assessment 19 - Write For Life

    • 20 - Know Yourself

    • Assessment 20 - Know Yourself

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    Final Exam

    • Final Exam Review

    • Final Exam