Course curriculum

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    • Overview

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook

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    Family Life

    • Introduction

    • Assessment ( Introduction)

    • L1a - Defining the Family (Part A)

    • L1b - Defining the Family (Part B)

    • Assessment (Defining the Family)

    • L2 - Building your Family

    • Assessment (Building your Family)

    • L3 - Deciding to Marry

    • Assessment (Deciding to Marry)

    • L4a - Becoming a Husband (Part 1)

    • L4b - Becoming a Husband (Part 2)

    • Assessment (Becoming a Husband)

    • L5a - Becoming a Wife (Part 1)

    • L5b - Becoming a Wife (Part 2)

    • Assessment (Becoming a Wife)

    • L6a - Getting Ready to Marry (Part 1)

    • L6b - Getting Ready to Marry (Part 2)

    • Assessment (Getting Ready to Marry)

    • L7a - Understanding Marriage 1

    • L7b - Understanding Marriage 2

    • Assessment (Understanding Marriage)

    • L8a - Finding the Right Partner

    • L8b - Finding the Right Partner

    • Assessment (Finding the Right Partner)

    • L9a - Waiting to Say "I Do"

    • L9b - Waiting to Say "I Do"

    • Assessment (Waiting to Say "I Do"

    • L10 - Living Happily Ever After

    • Assessment (Living "Happily Ever After")

    • L11 - Being a Godly Father

    • Assessment (Being a Godly Father)

    • L12a - Being a Godly Mother (Part 1)

    • L12b - Being a Godly Mother (Part 2)

    • Assessment (Being a Godly Mother)

    • L13 - Seeing Children as God Does

    • Assessment (Seeing Children as God Does)

    • L15a - Keeping troubles out by Discipline

    • L15b - Keeping Trouble out by Discipline