Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Orientation

  • 2

    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook

  • 3

    We Preach

    • Lesson 1- What is Preaching

    • Assessment 1

    • Lesson 2 -Theology of Preaching (Part 1)

    • Assessment 2

    • Lesson 3- Theology of Preaching (Part 2)

    • Assessment 3

    • Lesson 4- Saved by preaching

    • Assessment 4

    • Review (Quiz 1)

    • Quiz 1 (1Hour)

  • 4

    The Preacher

    • Lesson 5- The call to preach

    • Assessment 5

    • L6 - The Preacher's Qualification

    • Assessment 6

    • L7 - Preach the Word

    • Assessment 7

    • Review (Quiz 2)

    • Quiz 2 (1 Hour)

  • 5

    The Sermon Preparation

    • L8 - The First Step to Preparing a Sermon

    • Assessment 8

    • L9 - What type of Sermon is it? Part 1

    • Lesson 10 - What Type of Sermon is it? Part 2

    • Assessment 9 & 10

    • Lesson 11 - What Type of Sermon is it? Part 3

    • Assessment 11

    • Lesson 12 - Putting it Together Part 1

    • Assessment 12

    • Lesson 13 - Putting it Together Part 2

    • Assessment 13

    • Lesson 14 - Putting it Together Part 3

    • Assessment 14

    • Review (Quiz 3)

    • Quiz 3 (1 Hour)

  • 6

    In the Pulpit: Presentation

    • Lesson 15 - Getting and Keeping Attention Part 1

    • Assessment 15

    • L16 - Getting and Keeping Attention Part 2

    • Assessment 16

    • L17 - Getting and Keeping Attention Part 3

    • L18 - The Anointing (Part 1)

    • L19 - The Anointing (Part 2)

    • Review (Quiz 4)

    • Quiz 4 (1 Hour)

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    • L20 - The Conclusion

    • Review (Final Exam)

    • Final Exam (2hours)