Course curriculum

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    • Overview

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook

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    Prayer & Fasting

    • L1 - The Protocol of Prayer

    • Assessment 1 - The Protocol of Prayer

    • L2 - Art of Intercession

    • Assessment 2 - Art of Intercession

    • L3 - Why Pray?

    • Assessment 3 - Why Pray?

    • L4 - Prayer Works

    • Assessment 4 - Prayer Works

    • L5 - Praying Daily (Part 1)

    • Assessment 5 - Praying Daily (Part 1)

    • L6 - Praying Daily (Part 2)

    • Assessment 6 - Praying Daily (Part 2)

    • L7 - Modes of Prayer

    • Assessment 7 - Modes of Prayer

    • L8 - Examples of Prayers

    • Assessment 8 - Examples of Prayers

    • L9 - Intercession

    • Assessment 9 - Intercession

    • Quiz 1

    • L10 - A Formula for Prayer

    • Assessment 10 - Formular for Prayers

    • L11 - Ask, Seek, Knock, Receive

    • Assessment 11 - Ask, Seek, Knock, Receive

    • L12 - Spiritual Warriors

    • Assessment 12 - Spiritual Warriors

    • L13 - Kingdom Praying

    • Assessment 13 - Kingdom Praying

    • L14 - Fasting 1

    • Assessment L14 - Fasting 1

    • L15 - Fasting 2

    • Assessment L15 - Fasting 2

    • L16 - Holiness in Prayer

    • Assessment 16 - Holiness in Prayer

    • Quiz 2

    • L17 - Leadership Praying

    • Assessment 17 - Leadership Praying

    • L18 - Children's Praying

    • Assessment 18 - Children's Praying

    • Final Exam