Course curriculum

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    • Overview

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    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Textbook

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    Ministerial Development

    • L1 - Ministers and Seed of Eternity

    • Assessment 1- Ministers and Seed of Eternity

    • L2 - Ministers and Understanding Life

    • Assessment 2 - Ministers and Understanding Life

    • L3 - Minister and Daily Climb

    • Assessment 3 - Ministers and the daily climb

    • L4 - Ministers and their Calling

    • Assessment 4 - Minister and their calling

    • L5 - Minister and their Role in Fivefold Ministry

    • Assessment 5 - Ministers and their role in the five-fold ministry

    • Quiz Review

    • Quiz

    • L6 - Ministers/Their Gifting

    • Assessment 6 - Ministers/Their Gifting

    • L7a - Ministers and the Will of God (Part 1)

    • Assessment 7a - Ministers and the will of God

    • L7b - Ministers and the Will of God (Part 2)

    • Assessment 7b - Ministers and the will of God ( Part 2)

    • L7c - Ministers and the Will of God (Part 3)

    • Assessment 7c- Ministers and the will of God (Part 3)

    • L8a - Ministers and Their Vision (Part 1)

    • Assessment 8a- Ministers and their vision (Part 1)

    • L8b - Ministers and Their Vision (Part 2)

    • Assessment 8b - Ministers and their vision (Part 2)

    • L9a - Minister - Side Effects of Biblical Vision and Purpose

    • Assessment 9a- Minister-Side Effects of Biblical Vision and Purpose

    • L9b - Ministers - Side Effects of Biblical Vision and Purpose

    • Assessment 9b - Ministers- Side Effects of Biblical Vision and Purpose

    • L10 - Steadfastness

    • Assessment 10 - Steadfastness

    • L11 - Ministers and Moving from Good to Great

    • Assessment 11a - Ministers and Moving from Good to Great (Part 1)

    • L11b - Ministers Moving from Good to Great (Foundational Principles)

    • Assessment 11b - Moving from Good to Great(Foundational Principles) -Part 2

    • L12 - Ministers and Time Management

    • Assessment 12 - Ministers and time management

    • L13a - Ministers and Overcoming Temptation

    • Assessment 13a - Ministers and overcoming temptation

    • L13b - Winning the Battle

    • L14a- Ministers and the Blameless Life

    • L14b - Ministers and the Blameless life (Patriarchs are Blameless)

    • Assessment 14a&b - Ministers and the blameless life

    • L 15 - Ministers and Finishing Strong

    • Assessment 15 - Ministers and finishing strong

    • Final Exam Review

    • Final Exam