Course curriculum

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    • Welcome and Introduction to Course

    • Course Textbook: Genesis by Darline Kantola Royer Ralph V. Reynolds

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    Part I - Introduction to Genesis

    • 1 - The Book of The Beginnings

    • Assessment - The Book of The Beginnings

    • 2 - The Design of Genesis

    • Assessment - The Design of Genesis

    • 3 - The Six Days of Creation

    • Assessment - The Six Days of Creation

    • 4 - Creation of Man and The Seventh Day (Accuracy of Genesis Account)

    • Assessment - Creation of Man and The Seventh Day (Accuracy of Genesis Account)

    • 5 - Theories About Time and Creation

    • Assessment - Theories About Time and Creation

    • Assessment - Theories About Time and Creation II

    • 6 - Theories About Time and Creation II

    • 7 - Creation VS Evolution

    • Assessment - Creation VS Evolution

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    Part II - From Adam to Abraham

    • 8 - I. Man in the Garden of Eden

    • Assessment - Man in the Garden of Eden

    • Assessment - The Fall of Man

    • 9 - II. The Fall of Man

    • 10 - The Generation After the Fall

    • Assessment - The Generation After the Fall

    • 11 - III. The Earliest Civilization

    • Assessment - The Earliest Civilization

    • 12 - IV. The Flood

    • Assessment - The Flood

    • 13 - Preservation in the Ark

    • Assessment - Preservation in the Ark

    • 14 - Events Following the Flood

    • Assessment - Events Following the Flood

    • 15 - V. The Birth of Nations

    • Assessment - The Birth of Nations

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    Quiz 1

    • Review for Quiz 1

    • Quiz 1

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    Part III - The Patriarchs

    • 16 - I. The Call of Abraham

    • Assessment - The Call of Abraham

    • 17 - II. Abraham and Lot

    • Assessment - Abraham and Lot

    • 18 - Melchizedek - Ninety-nine Years of Age

    • Assessment - Melchizedek - Ninety-nine Years of Age

    • 19 - The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

    • Assessment - The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

    • 20 - III. Isaac (Isaac, the Promised Son)

    • Assessment - Isaac (Isaac, the Promised Son)

    • 21 - Abraham's Greatest Test

    • Assessment - Abraham's Greatest Test

    • 22 - IV. Jacob and Esau (The Twins)

    • Assessment - Jacob and Esau (The Twins)

    • 23 - V. Jacob Becomes Israel

    • Assessment - Jacob Becomes Israel

    • 24 - VI. Joseph and His Brethren

    • Assessment - Joseph and His Brethren

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    Quiz 2

    • Review for Quiz 2

    • Quiz 2

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    Part IV - The Dispensational Divisions of the Scriptures

    • The 7 (Seven) Dispensation

    • Assessment - The 7 (Seven) Dispensation

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    Final Exam

    • Review for Final Exam

    • Final Exam