Course curriculum

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    • Meet your Instructor

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    Chapter 1- Personal Evangelism

    • 1-Introduction/Personal Evangelism

    • Assessment 1- Personal Evangelism

    • 2- Personal Soul-Winning

    • Assessment 2- Personal Soul-Winning

    • 3- The Soul Winner Learning to Pray

    • Assessment 3- The soul-winner learning to pray.

    • 4- Basic Principles to remember in Soul-Winning

    • Assessment 4- Basic Principles to remember in Soul-Winning

    • 5-Scriptures to be memorized by Personal Workers

    • Assessment 5- Scriptures to be memorized by personal workers

    • 6- How to deal with Roman Catholics, Jehovah witness, Spiritism, Seventh day adventist, Mormonism

    • Assessment 6- How to deal with Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witness, Spiritism, Seventh day Adventist, Mormonism.

    • 7 - Evangelism & the Evangelist

    • Assessment 7 - Evangelism & the Evangelist

    • 8 - The Altar Service

    • Assessment 8- The Altar Service

    • 9 - The Evangelist's Conduct

    • Assessment 9- The Evangelist's Conduct

    • 10- Pioneering a new work

    • Assessment 10- Pioneering a new work

    • 11 - Reaching the Field

    • Assessment 11 - Reaching the Field

    • 12 - Home Bible Studies

    • Assessment 12- Home Bible Studies

    • 13 - Effective Altar Ministry

    • Assessment 13 - Effective Altar Ministry

    • Review for Test 1 ( Chapters 1,2,3)

    • Test 1 (Chapters 1,2,3)

    • 14 - Altar Call and Service

    • Assessment 14 - Altar Call & Service

    • 15 - Discernment in the Altar Service

    • Assessment 15 - Discernment in the Altar Service

    • 16- Counselling for Baptism

    • Assessment 16- Counselling for Baptism

    • 17- Praying people through the baptism of the holy spirit

    • Assessment 17 - Praying people through the baptism of the Holy Spirit

    • 18- Do's & Don'ts of the altar ministry

    • Assessment 18 - Do's & Don'ts of the altar ministry

    • 19- Revival through the altar ministry

    • Assessment 19 - Revival through the altar ministry

    • 20 - Missionary Principles

    • Assessment 20 - Missionary Principles

    • Final Exam Review

    • Final Exam