Course curriculum

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    Course Materials

    • Primary Textbook: The Lord's Portion by Roy L. Moss

    • Secondary Textbook: "Biblical Stewardship" by G. Randy Adams

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    • Orientation & Introduction (20min)

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    Section 1 - The Lord's Portion

    • 1- No Inheritance (54min)

    • Assessment 1- No Inheritance

    • 2- In the Future (56min)

    • Assessment 2- In the Future

    • 3 - Old Testament Tithing (52min)

    • Assessment 3- Old Testament Tithing

    • 4 - Three Tithes of Moses (57min)

    • Assessment 4 - Three Tithes of Moses

    • 5 - End of Tithing (56min)

    • Assessment 5 - End of Tithing

    • 6 - The Depository (51min)

    • Assessment 6 - The Depository

    • 7 - The Levites (57min)

    • Assessment 7- The Levites

    • 8 - Blessings Come - Part 1 (51min)

    • Assessment 8 - Blessings Come (Part 1)

    • 9 - Blessings Come - Part 2 (46min)

    • Assessment 9- Blessings Come (Part 2)

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    Section 2 - The Lord's Portion

    • 10 - Gospel Finances (48min)

    • Assessment 10 - Gospel Finances

    • 11 - Secular & Sacred - Part 1 (58min)

    • Assessment 11 - Secular & Sacred (Part 1)

    • 12 - Secular and Sacred - Part 2 (47min)

    • Assessment 12 - Secular & Sacred (Part 2)

    • 13 - Review for Quiz #1 (31min)

    • Quiz #1 (1 Hour Allowed for Completion)

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    Section 3 - The Lord's Portion

    • 14- Gospel and Law (50min)

    • Assessment 14 - Gospel and Law

    • 15 - Salary and Percentage (49min)

    • Assessment 15 - Salary and Percentage

    • 16 - The Sharing Principles (50min)

    • Assessment 16 - The Sharing Principles

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    Section 4 - Excerpted from "The Indigenous Church" by Melvin L. Hodges

    • 17 - Self-Support - Part 1 (50min)

    • Assessment 17 - Self-Support - Part 1

    • 18 - Self-Support - Part 2 (52min)

    • Assessment 18 - Self-Support - Part 2

    • 19 - The Purpose of The Offerings

    • Assessment 19 - The Purpose of The Offerings

    • 20 - Alms Giving

    • Assessment 20 - Alms Giving

    • 21 - Prosperity Doctrine 1

    • Assessment 21 - Prosperity Doctrine 1

    • 22 - Prosperity Doctrine 2

    • Assessment 22 - Prosperity Doctrine 2

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    • Review for Final Exam (17min)

    • Final Exam (1 hour 30 minutes allowed)