Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Materials

    • Course Outline

    • Primary Text Book: The Book of Acts

  • 2


    • Orientation (25min)

  • 3

    Acts Overview - Animated Videos

    • Animated Videos Explained

    • Video Options

    • Acts - Overview/Animation - Part 1 (8min)

    • Overview/Animation - Part 2 (8min)

    • Acts - Overview/Animation - POSTER

    • Acts Chapters 1-7 (6min)

    • Acts Chapters 8-12 (6min)

    • Acts Chapters 13-20 (5min)

    • Acts Chapters 21-28 (5min)

  • 4

    Introduction to ACTS

    • Introduction to the Book of Acts

  • 5

    Part 1 - The Church is Born

    • 1 - Prelude to Pentecost

    • Assessment 1

    • 2 -The Birth of the Church at Pentecost

    • 3 - The Apostolic Gospel at Pentecost

    • Assessment 2 & 3

    • 4 - Salvation in the Book of Acts - Part 1

    • 5 - Salvation in the Book of Acts - Part 2

    • Assessment 4 & 5

    • Review for Quiz 1 (28min)

    • Quiz #1 (1 hour allowed)

  • 6

    Part 2-The Church in the Jewish World

    • 6 - The Name of Jesus

    • Assessment 6

    • 7- All Things Common

    • Assessment 7

    • 8 - Deacons

    • Assessment 8

    • 9- The Persecuted Church

    • Assessment 9

    • 10 - The First Church Martyr

    • Assessment 10

    • 11 - Revival in Samaria

    • Assessment 11

    • 12 - Conversion of Saul

    • Assessment 12

    • 13 - The Conversion of the Gentiles

    • Assessment 13

    • Review for Quiz 2 (49min)

    • Quiz #2 (1 hour allowed)

  • 7

    Part 3 - The Church in the Gentile World

    • 14 - The Birth of Foreign Missions

    • Assessment 14

    • 15- Paul's First Missionary Journey

    • Assessment 15

    • 16- The First Church Council

    • Assessment 16

    • 17 - Paul's Second Missionary Journey

    • Assessment 17

    • 18 - Conversion of the Jailer

    • Assessment 18

    • 19 - Paul at Athens

    • Assessment 19

    • 20 - Church at Ephesus

    • Assessment 20

    • 21 - Paul Arrested at Jerusalem

    • Assessment 21

    • 22 - Paul Defends Himself at Caesarea

    • Assessment 22

    • 23 - The Journey to Rome

    • Assessment 23

    • Review for Quiz 3 (43min)

    • Quiz 3 (1 Hour Allowed)

  • 8

    Character Studies

    • 24 - Character Studies - Part 1

    • 25 - Character Studies - Part 2

  • 9


    • Review for Final Exam (50 min)

    • Final Exam (1 Hour 30 minutes Allowed)